By Dylan Eads

Thursday, April 1, 2010

General Patton: War Hero or Not?

A general who helps command their troops through many victories of battle are always considered heroes of the war, but does that statement hold true for General George Smith Patton, Jr. who was demoted because of his actions? Did this demotion to General Patton affect the United State’s chances of victory in World War II? General Patton or “Old Blood and Guts” was a very well known general, for good and for bad. He commanded corps and armies in North Africa, Sicily, and the European Theater of Operations. General Patton was considered the most strategically trained general and the top commander of armored and infantry troops. Field Marshal Von Rundstedt simply called him “our best." On the other hand he was also considered a very tough hearted man. “Americans play to win at all times. I wouldn't give a hoot and hell for a man who lost and laughed. That's why Americans have never lost nor ever lose a war,” and “No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country,” are some of many quotes that General Patton told his troops. He had also slapped a soldier who was in the hospital from battle fatigue. Some soldiers had also confessed that they had been slapped by General Patton while he was in command. Patton once voiced his opinion that one of the Allied countries, the Soviet Union, is mistrusted and should be attacked. These actions jeopardized General Patton’s career as a general and Eisenhower demoted him of his position and rank. The former general was ordered to be part of the decoy in Operation Quicksilver instead of playing a huge role in the real Normandy landings. Would Eisenhower’s decision of demoting George Patton of general affect the outcome of the battle or even the outcome of the war? Eisenhower’s decision of demoting Patton was a bad idea, even though the Allies had won the battle of Normandy. The Allies maybe not of had lost as many soldiers during the battle if Patton was in command. His brilliant leadership could have helped the Allies win the battle easier.
Should General Patton still be considered a great war hero? While he was in command, Patton led his troops to numerous key victories and also took over many acres of land during which helped the Allies win World War II. His troops were well trained and discipline because of his strict rules. He was not the most popular general but he was one of the most effective and respected. The German generals had admitted that General Patton was the one field commander they feared the most. The soldiers under his command looked up to him and believed in him that they were going to win even if they were outnumbered or outsmarted. In my eyes any person who has such a big affect on the outcome of a war should always be considered a hero even if he was a little insensitive at times.



  1. I believe General Patton was a war hero, who won a lot of battles how you have stated. It is quite obvious that he is a very skilled general. I believe this argument is more about whether his actions outside of war strategies, were appropriate or not. I still think that he is a war hero, because in war he made victorious decisions.

    1. Not so sure about the hero stuff. Patton led American soldiers against American Veterans protests in Wash Dc just wanting food money they were promised after WW2. He sold them out.

  2. I believe General Patton was a war hero. There are horrendous and terrible things that go on during a war. I don't think he should have been demoted for his quotes, opinions or for slapping someone.

  3. I do feel that General Patton shouldn't have been demoted. He is considered a war hero in my book no matter how nutty he was. He had great ways of getting the troops ready for battle and he didnt put them down before war but he prepared them in the best way possible. so Yes I feel he deserves to be called a war hero

  4. Dillon, you make a good point. General Patton was a hero. He made his men feel like they would come out alive, even if they did not. But what did Patton have that the other Generals did not?

  5. Sure he is a hero and all, but General or not you can't just go around slapping people.

  6. I agree with Chelsea, he shouldn't be allowed to go around slapping his soldiers. I understand that there are some times when they might need discipline, but he had a strong voice and many great speeches. I'm sure he could control his soldiers without any physical violence.

    After reading this, I do agree that he was considered a great war hero, but maybe not the best general.

  7. War is the worst thing that can happen on earth between people. If a General needs to disapline his troops for the utimate outcome of winning a battle and the war, then he should do what it takes to protect and teach them to best defend themselves and country. Sometimes, over-the-top personalities are flawed but just what you need to win a war.

  8. I believe General Patton was an overall strong and effective leader of war and what some people might think was harsh towards the soldiers might of been needed during that time.

  9. Patton is a war hero any way you put it, he won many battles, made his men feel good about fighting, and his strategies were amazing.He might have made some mistakes but not such severe mistakes to demote him from being a hero to a zero.
